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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Little off Wag this Morning

I am reminded of a frazzled lady that came to shop with her 5 month old Boxer six years ago. Those were her exact words; she left the dog for a bath and never came back. There sat a beautiful, brindle Boxer, covered in urine and poop, aggressive, and now homeless. Yes, I had those demons whispering in my ear this week. I read online of a van going around stealing dogs to take to the dog fighting pits, I felt the need to find that van and make a Boston Terrier sized deposit as I turned over the cushion of my leather couch that is now not even repairable. Thanks, Pre. That's how I have felt that last two days. My back is killing me, my feet are cramping, and now I'm not sleeping well. Why? I have lost my favorite pair of work shoes. How does one fairly responsible adult 'loose' a pair of shoes? One word: PUPPY.
This morning I played CSI. I got out my husband's fancy little CSI flashlight, I crawled around the entire house looking under couches, chairs, and tables. I went outside, we have a doggie door, so the back yard is even fair game for this Boston Terrier-Hide-A-Shoe Game. I did find my shoes, they were chewed on the back but they are still wearable. Thanks, Pre. We brought Pre home in October. My son's dog had just passed away and none of us were taking to well. I really wanted to get a rescue dog but there were no good candidates and patience is not a virtue we are gifted with, so we decided on this little Boston Terrier from Kentucky. I would estimate that I have picked up nearly 50 rolls of shredded toilet paper since then. When I say shredded toilet paper, I mean SHREDDED! There are thousands of little pieces all over the floor, sometimes it looks as though it has snowed inside. Thanks, Pre.
I know there are ways to deal with this situation, the best being a crate. Crate training Pre became a game of Survivor: Outlast, Outwit, Outplay. Pre will not stop barking if put in a crate. Seriously, I have video of it; a hard strong constant bark. Unfortunately my husband could not Outlast the barking because he works the night shift and sleeps during the day. We also could not Outwit Pre. No matter how quiet my husband was, tip toeing in the house, at some point the water had to turn on for a bath and then it was Game On. Once Pre knew there was a human in the house the non-stop barking would begin again. My hubby would let him out of his crate, he joyfully ran through the house in a triumphant, victorious prance because he knew he had Outplayed my husband.
Why do we put with this puppy? There are two main reasons. The first is that I know it will end. Remember that Boxer? I still have her, she never left after that day. She had many issues. She shredded toys, she hated men, she hated the crate, she had separation anxiety and she even ate a couch. After a lot of love, exercise and maturity she is the perfect dog and a wonderful addition to our family. She is my only co-worker and comes to work with me everyday ready to greet my clients with a wagging nub.
The second reason can only be explained by something that happened yesterday. The shop was slow due to weather so I took the day off. I was a little frustrated and laid down on the couch. Soon after the monster came over and jumped on me. He slurped up my face and then curled up in a little ball beside me with my arm wrapped around him. If you have never cuddled with a pup I feel sorry for you. The warmth, and love of a dog that has chosen you a snuggle bunny is one of the greatest feelings in the world. Every frustration melted away, I soon forgot about the toilet paper incident from ten minutes before, and I felt so relaxed that I was soon sound asleep. Me, taking a nap in the middle of the day with the demon dog. It was a perfect hour. Thanks, Pre.
I hope everyone heeds this warning. Spring is right around the corner, puppy fever is going to be in the air this disease is very contagious. You have to ask yourself if you are ready for this? Are you ready to sit down at the potty, do your business only to realize the toilet paper has been stolen? Are you ready for the sleepless nights of crate training? Worst of all, are you ready for potty training? Don't flatter yourselves and think you will be able to train a puppy any better than me. You are just as much a softie as me. Resist the urge. There are too many perfectly good dogs up for rescue just like my Boxer. Think about it hard before you bring home that little furry bundle of joy. If you resist, remember Pre every time your toilet paper is secure on the roll. Remember Pre every time your already potty trained rescue dog does his business outside. Most importantly every time those sweet black eyes look up at you in love and appreciation and melt your heart whisper to yourself...Thanks, Pre.

Friday, February 3, 2012

To Flea or not to Flea: Is it Really a Question?

Here's a story, I want you think really hard who is at fault.
A lady and her small child go to McDonald's play land. There are other children
playing in the tunnels, running around and her child joins in on the fun. A few days later she notices her child is scratching, she lifts his shirt to see that he has the first symptoms of chicken pox. She quickly takes her child to the doctor. He reminds her of how he told her time and time again to get the vaccine for her son to protect him, but she ignored his suggestions each time. Angrily she takes her doctor bill and goes straight to McDonald's to speak with a manager. She expects McDonald's to pay for the bill because she just 'knows' that is where he caught the pox. Never mind the fact she lives in a neighborhood filled with children, or that he had been at his cousins the other day. No, she just 'knows' he got them at McDonald's.
Here's a similar story, again who is at fault?
A lady brings her poodle to the groomer. A few days later she notices her dog is scratching, she looks through her fur to see that her pet has fleas. She quickly takes her dog to the vet. He reminds her of how he told her time and time again to protect her dog from fleas. Angrily she takes the vet bill to the groomer and demands her to pay the bill because she just 'knows' this is where her dog got the fleas. Never mind the fact she lives in a neighborhood filled with dogs, or that rabbits, birds, and stray cats frequent her backyard. No she just 'knows' her pet got them at the groomer.

Oddly enough if anyone told you the first story most people would think the lady was crazy. Unfortunately if someone told you the second story the majority of people would go along with the lady and find a different groomer.

There are so many different types of protection I can't understand why you wouldn't use something. Actually I can think of a few excuses.
#1 Expense: On average any type of monthly application, pill, or shot will cost you $13.
On average it will cost $75 per month to get rid of a flea outbreak on your dog and home and take nearly three months. That is $225.00 Heeellllooooooo!
#2 Toxicity: Most commercial products have pyrethrin or similar ingredients in them, sorry, its a hard true fact.
There are many all natural ways to combat fleas. You have to be more diligent, but normally that is a prerequisite to being all natural kind of person isn't it?
#3 Laziness: All I can say is shame on you.
Get your butt up, leash up the dog and go for a walk you lazy bum! Also stop by the vet and get some flea stuff!

I have seen dogs go bald from scratching so much, I have seen blood red water rinsed down the tub as I wash a flea ridden dog, I have even seen open, stinking, oozing, infected wounds from fleas, and I can even top that last one, but somethings are better left unsaid. I have seen a lot of fleas, so of course there are some fleas here at the shop. I spray, vacuum, work on flea dogs first so they aren't sitting right next to your Fido, but come on, reality says, there will be fleas here. By the way, the are also at your vet office, neighbors backyard, and once my daughters' friend actually brought them in on herself! The stray cats have them,the bunnies have them, and I predict they are even in the parking lot at Pet Smart.
Protect your pet!

Have you stepped outside today? If you are reading this in good ole' Warrick County the temperature is going to be 61 degrees today. Average temp? 38 degrees. What makes a mild flea season in the spring? A hard, cold, freeze to the ground. The average nightly low for this week was 45 degrees, ummm I'm no rocket scientist but that's not going to kill any flea eggs! I don't know about you but my ground is not even close to frozen, actually if I quietly stand in the middle of the yard I can literally hear bubbles coming up from the mud. That is how unfrozen the ground is. I feel it is safe to say we are going to have a flea plague of epic proportions this spring. Are you ready?

I hope I am getting my point across. Protect your pet and don't blame the groomer!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I set out to try to do at least one blog a week and that motivation lasted week. I have a great excuse though. No, I wasn't too busy, no, I wasn't having writers block, no, my computer wasn't broke, ok, you ready? My nails were too long. Yep, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Have you ever tried to type with long nails, it's very difficult, every other word is a typo, your fingers slide right off the keys, it's just a mess. Have you ever seen the blonde woman on Criminal Minds just typing away? She faking it! There just no way to type that fast with long nails.

So now my nails are nice and manicured; meaning I chopped them off, and here I am typing away. You know dogs have the same problem if their nails are too long.
  • "Buffy, why have you been sitting in the same place for the last 36 hours, your just a lazy bum of a dog!" Buffy says, " Hey lady, my nails are too long, they are stuck in the carpet and I can't move!"
  • Your son asks, have you taught Fido a new trick? No, why do you ask? Well he has his paw up by his ear like he's doing a high five. Poor Fido has caught his nail in his ear hair and that's where his paw is stuck.
  • JoJo the Golden is running around the corner when all the sudden screams and yipes of pain are all that are heard. Blood is dripping all over the floor, what the heck is going on? JoJo, caught his nail on the corner of the floor board as he rounded the corner and ripped the sucker right out. OUCH! is all I can say.
  • The worst is when you finally do come in and the groomer sees it. Later that evening you go home, log in to Facebook and see that your pet has made the groomer photo album of shame. EMBARRASSING!
See, nails are just over rated. You have got to make sure you take the time to take care of your pets nails. it's winter right now, everyone seems to make their grooming appointments stretch out longer, some pups I don't even see again until spring! Even so, you still need to have your pets' nails trimmed at least every 5-6 weeks. Just run in really fast, it takes less than ten minutes. Heck I'll even do them for free if that's what it takes. I know life is busy, life is hard, but you gotta take a few minutes for the dog. He's your best friend, he's the only one who really cares when you come home, and yeah, there's a lot of hair down there to weed through, but come on he's worth it isn't he? You know he is!

I have watched dogs leave the shop NOT limping anymore because their nails were too long. I have seen dogs actually sigh a sigh of relief as I clipped the nail that has been stabbing them in the paw for the last two weeks. Some dogs just won't even walk anymore when they get older and their nails are too long. Last but not least, you have to admit, that taptaptaptaptap all over the floor is soooooo irritating. Especially at 3am. If you don't know what I'm talking about with the taptaptaptaptap, good for you! It means you are an awesome pet owner. If you know what I'm talking about get your pup a pawdicure ASAP!

The Year of the Woof

2011 is over, gone, finato, Hasta La Vita, woofie! It was a long hard year filled with ups and downs for me. It seems everything broke in 2011 for the Stanley's. Our riding lawn mower, boat, husband's vehicle, daughter's vehicle, heat pump, dish washer, microwave, two major dog expenses and a computer. Not to mention I had to bury my two favorite miniature horses and our beloved min pin, Twister. Jasmine the Ist died along with Elmo the rat. One of my dogs acquired parvo of all things and last but not least our septic tank is all out of whack. We have had better years that is for sure, but we were blessed with good health, a great family, wonderful clients and the fishing is still good, so maybe it all evens out. Now it’s time to hang up the new calendar. Some of my clients lost their pets, many got new puppies, and some just made it a year older and melted their owners hearts even more. Just look all those blank squares, 365 possibilities. 365 chances to walk the dog, groom the dog, take the dog to the vet, get a new puppy, or bury an old friend. You never know what this new year will bring, but it’s up to you and your faithful friend to make the most of it.

Maybe this will be the year you and the pup commit to loose a couple pounds, or at least to walk a mile a day. Wow, wouldn’t your pup like that?!

Maybe this is the year you teach your pet a new trick. Sit, Down, Stay, Rollover, Wash the dishes...well we can wish can’t we? Anyway, a new trick is a thrilling scence of accomplishment and believe me the extra attention would make your pet feel pretty special.

Maybe this is the year you add a new addition to the family. There’s nothing better than having a little puppy in the house, or sense of pride a person feels from rescuing a poor pup from the pound.

It doesn’t matter what you do, just do something. During the summer when the kids are home alone, I always tell them be good and do something productive today. It’s a good motto to go by, it’s my challenge for all of you: Be good and do something productive with your fur friend this year.

Oh, and don't forget to stop by Groomingdales and spoil your pets this year too! Yep, just had to throw that in there.

Happy New Year

My Job is Better than Yours

Recently I ran into one of my clients at the store. She said hi and introduced me to her friend as her 'dog groomer'. The way she said it was like I should be on the next episode of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe. I wasn't insulted and of course her friends' first words words were, "Do you actually stick your finger in the dogs butt to do that anal business?" Really? That's the first image she thought of a dog groomer? I'd think of some fluffy fancy white poodle lookin' really posh. She thinks I'm a doggie proctologist.

I'm just setting record straight. I love my job more than you love yours. No, I don't stick my finger up doggie butts, yes, I do express anal glands, and yes, I still love my job more than yours. I couldn't sit behind I desk all day. There's no way I could be a dentist sticking my fingers in people's icky mouths all day, I don't do well with snotty nosed kids, so teaching is out. Being a nurse would send me into therapy with all the coughing and sneezing they see. Being a stay at home mom may be great for some, but now that my kids are teens, staying home would make me 50pounds heavier, my house probably wouldn't be any cleaner, and most likely I'd add to the family farm and still mess with animals all day.

There is nothing more rewarding than to see your smiling faces when you pick up your fur friends that smell good, feel fluffy, and wag their tails at me as they leave. Dogs and I just get along much better than me and people. Dogs don't tell me their baby daddy drama, they don't gossip to me about what the neighbors are doing, and they sure as heck don't talk about me me behind my back. If a dog has a problem with me it's out in the open right away and we work through it. Touchy on the feet? A rippled lip lets me know right away what I'm dealing with and I adjust my grooming skills to fit. If your office mate has a problem with you she just talks about you to everyone else, then you find out, get stressed, get an ulcer, hate going to work, take it out on your kids, and then the ever so common nervous breakdown. Yes, I'm exaggerating, but seriously, my job is better than yours:P

So envy me. I have dog hair that has settled down my shirt, my make up has been washed off as a dog shakes it's soapy body all over me, my finger is bruised where Fido snapped at me, and my feet are killing me from standing up all day. On the flip side, I just trimmed the hair away and now theShitzu has eyes again, I trimmed to toe nails of a dog and he no longer limps, I just washed the last flea off a Westie and he is so grateful not to itch anymore and lastly BumbleBee gave me a kiss.

Yes, my job is better than yours.