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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My bath is Better than Yours.

"I gave him a bath a couple of weeks ago, but he still feels dirty." "I couldn't afford to bring him in twice this month so I gave him a quick bath myself." He rolled in something dead and there was no way I was putting that stinky monster in my car." "It was so hot outside we hosed him off in the back yard with a quick scrub down."

Yeah, yeah, I've heard them all. No, I'm not hurt, I understand the necessities of cheating on me (just kidding), I'm just glad you didn't go to some other shop, now that would be full-on cheating.

Ok, so what hurts now? You know exactly what I'm talking about. That throbbing, stabbing pain in your lower back from kneeling over the tub. Oh, and the knees, sheesh, they just aren't made to be flat on the floor scooting from one end of the tub to the other. Yes, your neck has a catch in it, right at the base; nope,  sorry, rubbing it out won't even help.

What? You washed him in the kitchen sink? Well that was just genius!  How many places did you have to wipe and windex when it was all said and done. You know, a dog's water shaking particles can travel at least 6 feet. How long is your kitchen? Mmhm, pretty much the whole room is sprinkled in dirty dog water. Cool. Now go cook supper. Yum.

Well, so how long did it take you to clean up the bathroom after cleaning the dog. Hair down the side of the wall, hair down the side of the tub, hair hanging out in the drain, just aching to clog 'er up, hair on the floor, hair in the air, hair ever where. That almost sounded poetic in a horribly hairy way.

Three words: WET DOG SMELL

Four more words: IT TENDS TO LINGER

Two additional words: FOR DAYS

Probably the only enjoyment out of washing your pet at home is the after bath dance. The woof, wag, and wiggle over any blanket, pillow, rug, couch, bed, or chair your pet targets as the 'bath dance floor'.  It's hysterical and puzzling all at once, the rolling over and over, moaning, grunting, barking, butt tucked under sprint around the house, zooming, panting pandemonium. Could you even imagine getting that much enjoyment out of a bath. I mean really, have you ever jumped out of the shower, lightly dried yourself off, then jumped in your bed completely nude rolling around like a ...well, dog? Umm, if you have please keep it to yourself, I do not need that visual image as you walk into my shop!

I think I have gotten way off point. Somewhere in there right after "I gave him a bath a couple of weeks ago, but he still feels dirty," I was going to explain why they feel so much better after I do it. I have a client who says she needs to bring her pup in for an 'Angie Bath.'  I have secrets, I have skills, I have talent, but mostly I have a bathing system.

Groomingdales secret weapon.
Soap penetrating his fur.
Hunter being bathed.

Every morning I fill my bathing system up with warm, soapy water until bubbles flow out the top. In my raised tub (no back aches here) I wash your pup. Your beloved pet is  loving the air-injected, low-volume, high pressure shampoo applicator which creates a scrubbing action, massaging deep into the coat. Sometimes I actually hear them say "ahhhh". Science lesson: Oxygen is mixed under pressure with the shampoo and water solution so that when it is released into the coat, it is fully activated for cleansing. The air-injected, low-volume, high-pressure applicator enhances the ability of the shampoo to cut through the oil and dirt clinging to the pet’s coat and skin, for a cleansing you simply cannot get with other methods.The scrub-your-fingers into the hair method has nothing on this bathing system. Your pet feels silky clean, and the smell is magically gone. The cleanliness lasts longer because it takes longer for oils and dander to build back up which is where the ever so noticeable dog smell gives birth.

So yeah, my bath is better than yours, plain and simple. Not bragging, just stating fact.

Angie and Travis
I get wet, the walls get wet, the hair flies, the wet dog smell lingers, but guess what you pick up your pet and go home, I deal with everything else. It's worth it, isn't it? I'm still in business so you must agree. the way, that towel you used? Do yourself a favor and donate it to the rag pile.

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