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Friday, February 3, 2012

To Flea or not to Flea: Is it Really a Question?

Here's a story, I want you think really hard who is at fault.
A lady and her small child go to McDonald's play land. There are other children
playing in the tunnels, running around and her child joins in on the fun. A few days later she notices her child is scratching, she lifts his shirt to see that he has the first symptoms of chicken pox. She quickly takes her child to the doctor. He reminds her of how he told her time and time again to get the vaccine for her son to protect him, but she ignored his suggestions each time. Angrily she takes her doctor bill and goes straight to McDonald's to speak with a manager. She expects McDonald's to pay for the bill because she just 'knows' that is where he caught the pox. Never mind the fact she lives in a neighborhood filled with children, or that he had been at his cousins the other day. No, she just 'knows' he got them at McDonald's.
Here's a similar story, again who is at fault?
A lady brings her poodle to the groomer. A few days later she notices her dog is scratching, she looks through her fur to see that her pet has fleas. She quickly takes her dog to the vet. He reminds her of how he told her time and time again to protect her dog from fleas. Angrily she takes the vet bill to the groomer and demands her to pay the bill because she just 'knows' this is where her dog got the fleas. Never mind the fact she lives in a neighborhood filled with dogs, or that rabbits, birds, and stray cats frequent her backyard. No she just 'knows' her pet got them at the groomer.

Oddly enough if anyone told you the first story most people would think the lady was crazy. Unfortunately if someone told you the second story the majority of people would go along with the lady and find a different groomer.

There are so many different types of protection I can't understand why you wouldn't use something. Actually I can think of a few excuses.
#1 Expense: On average any type of monthly application, pill, or shot will cost you $13.
On average it will cost $75 per month to get rid of a flea outbreak on your dog and home and take nearly three months. That is $225.00 Heeellllooooooo!
#2 Toxicity: Most commercial products have pyrethrin or similar ingredients in them, sorry, its a hard true fact.
There are many all natural ways to combat fleas. You have to be more diligent, but normally that is a prerequisite to being all natural kind of person isn't it?
#3 Laziness: All I can say is shame on you.
Get your butt up, leash up the dog and go for a walk you lazy bum! Also stop by the vet and get some flea stuff!

I have seen dogs go bald from scratching so much, I have seen blood red water rinsed down the tub as I wash a flea ridden dog, I have even seen open, stinking, oozing, infected wounds from fleas, and I can even top that last one, but somethings are better left unsaid. I have seen a lot of fleas, so of course there are some fleas here at the shop. I spray, vacuum, work on flea dogs first so they aren't sitting right next to your Fido, but come on, reality says, there will be fleas here. By the way, the are also at your vet office, neighbors backyard, and once my daughters' friend actually brought them in on herself! The stray cats have them,the bunnies have them, and I predict they are even in the parking lot at Pet Smart.
Protect your pet!

Have you stepped outside today? If you are reading this in good ole' Warrick County the temperature is going to be 61 degrees today. Average temp? 38 degrees. What makes a mild flea season in the spring? A hard, cold, freeze to the ground. The average nightly low for this week was 45 degrees, ummm I'm no rocket scientist but that's not going to kill any flea eggs! I don't know about you but my ground is not even close to frozen, actually if I quietly stand in the middle of the yard I can literally hear bubbles coming up from the mud. That is how unfrozen the ground is. I feel it is safe to say we are going to have a flea plague of epic proportions this spring. Are you ready?

I hope I am getting my point across. Protect your pet and don't blame the groomer!

1 comment:

  1. I wish ever dog owner in the world would read this post! Very well-said.
